Monday, May 24, 2010

End Procrastination

Stop the Lame Excuses and Procrastination and Get Your Booty working out!

How many times have you said:

"Oh, I'm too busy... I'll get started on my fitness programtomorrow", or...
"I'll just wait until after the holidays to start working out and getting in better shape"

Working as a fitness professional, I hear people every single day say that they want to get in better shape... whether they want to lose weight, tone and build muscle, get stronger, lose the fat on their belly... whatever it may be.

Can you guess what happens when I say to them, "Well, if you really want it that bad, then why don't you start today... seriously, why not start working out and eating healthy today and lets make this happen now". Well, what usually happens is that they say that they'll just wait until next month because they're "too busy" right now. Oh really?

Come on... Give me a break! It's nothing but LAME EXCUSE after lame excuse as to why you don't workout regularly or eat as clean and healthy as possible, right? This becomes an endless cycle of excuses and procrastination for getting your booty in shape, and getting healthy! Once next month comes, now you have another excuse... work has been too busy, or you're just too busy working on the house, and so on. Sound at all familiar? Your best friend say’s it correct? Ha Ha.

Consider this... Do you really think that all of the people walking around out there in great shape with their kick-butt (sorry) bodies are any less busy than you? Heck no! Chances are, they are easily just as busy as you, yet THEY find the time to keep themselves healthy and in great shape. WHY do you suppose that is? Do they have a special gene, perfect genetics, just blessed, won the health lottery? NO!!! They put their sweat where their mouth is.
Let's make a pact and STOP THE LAME EXCUSES FOR GOOD! Start on your goal today!
The bottom line is... If you really want it, you'll find the time. It's all about priorities and getting in the right mindset.

If you are one of these people that's always using excuses as to why you don't have time to eat right or workout, then I have honest news for you... You are NEVER going to get in good shape for the rest of your life! You are going to continue to yoyo back and forth and struggle with your fitness FOREVER! I know I am being blunt, however when your health and fitness seems to mean more to me than it does to you, well shame on you. This requires NO DEGREES... just doing it.

Remember: Today’s Excuses are the Birthplace of Tomorrow’s Failures. Let’s look deeper at these future failure seeds and learn to not plant them!
Here's a common theme I see all the time at the gym...

Somebody that was doing well working out and finally starting to get results at the gym all of the sudden stops coming in for several months.

When they eventually come back and start working out again a couple months later, they're usually back in horrible shape, have gained back all the weight or more, and lost most of their strength gains that they worked so hard for.

So while talking to them, I'll ask where they have been the last couple months, and that's when the excuses start...

Perhaps it was that they had a special assignment at work and have been "too busy" to work out lately.

Or perhaps it was that they had a shoulder or arm injury so they thought that they couldn't work out during this time.

Or perhaps they had a knee, ankle, or leg injury so they thought they couldn't work out.

Or perhaps they were busy with house renovations, or family issues, or too busy with the kids, etc, etc, etc... excuse, excuse, excuse.

You can see where I'm going with this... if your health & fitness and how you look and feel is important to you, then there is no such thing as an excuse. Either you want it, or you don't, and it's either going to be a priority in your life, or it's not!

After all, your health and fitness determines not only how good you're going look and feel every day that you're on this planet, but also how long you'll exist on this earth to enjoy the time you have with your friends and family... So with all of that said, why wouldn't you make your health & fitness a priority in your life!

I do believe there are events that challenge our time and energy for working out. There are medical scenarios when we CANNOT workout, however these are the exceptions and should never be confused with the norm. Plus remember, the more active lifestyle you lead, the less official exercise you need. Case in point: all those incredible volunteers helping Nashville clean up after these horrendous floods, THAT was and IS a workout, believe me. Hopefully you understand the difference between “busy” and physically active.

Here's my opinion on the example excuses above...

*Excuse #1 - Too busy at work:

Ok, so why don't you squeeze in really brief but really intense 10 minute workouts before and after work each day... after all, that's only 20 minutes of your time, and despite popular belief you CAN stay in excellent shape working out as little as 20 to 30 minutes a day (as long as your time is well spent with the right exercises and right intensity). If there is anyone who doesn’t believe this come and train with me FREE for one 10 minutes, you will change your mind.
"Too busy at work" excuse busted!

*Excuse #2 - Shoulder or arm injury so haven't worked out:

Bum shoulder... OK... are you saying your legs and abs/core don't work all of the sudden just because your arm or shoulder is hurt? After all, most of your fat loss and metabolism-boosting results come from lower body based exercises anyway, as they burn more calories due to the larger muscle groups involved.

Your upper body injury just gives you a good reason to focus even more intensely on your lower body, abs/core, and interval training during this period when you won't be able to do upper body exercises.
*Shoulder injury excuse busted!

*Excuse #3 - Knee, ankle, or leg injury so haven't worked out:

Ok, so now you're saying that just because you have a leg injury, that somehow your upper body no longer works? Even if you need to walk in there on crutches, and then do nothing but seated upper body exercises, that's a lot better than doing nothing and letting your entire body get weak and soft during the time while your leg heals. The increased blood flow will actually help quicken your healing time, just be smart and safe...not lazy.
*Knee or leg injury excuse busted!

Now don't get mad at me about these injury excuses... Believe me, I DO understand that there are some serious injuries and disorders that do prevent some people from doing any exercise at all. However, for most minor injuries, there's no excuse not to at least continue doing some form of exercise. I have broken every bone in my Right hand, torn both medial biceps tendons, had surgery on both feet, and never missed a day of work or training myself. That is just my attitude on this. I was not stupid and was very careful, but there is no reason to not keep on keepin on?

*Excuse #4 - Too busy with the house, family, kids, etc:

Once again we need to get back to priorities. Is “YOUR” health and wellness a priority? If your house and kids are priorities, why wouldn't your health and fitness be top priorities also, so that you can enjoy your life and everything and everyone in it! Especially your children! Do you realize how many people tell me their #1 reason to get healthy again is to be a role model for their kids and to be healthy for them so they can do all those things with them they want to. WHEN did that CHANGE!

Remember, you don't need to work out for hours every day to be in great shape. It's all about maximizing the intensity and amount of full body musculature you work in a given time period, even if that time period is just a brief 10 minute daily workout. Don’t be trapped by the “Bodybuilder mentality” I can only do this body part or that body part exercise today to get in great shape. It is a false notion and again if you don’t agree with me I will Train any bodybuilder out there for 10 MINUTES and see what you feel after that.
*Excuse #4 busted!

I know I am taking a hard-nosed approach with this today, but if getting healthy and fit is important to you, nothing less will do, than to adopt a true fitness LIFESTYLE and MINDSET.

I hope this note will trigger a new motivation if you've struggled in the past with excuses or procrastination to getting healthy. It’s OK! Just start NOW, that’s the beauty of life, you get to start again... NOW. Never tomorrow. God dwells in the house of NOW, the Enemy lives in the neighborhood called, TOMORROW!

If it will help you all I will post a weekly 10 minute U-Tube video of a different workout for the week. If you can go longer the 10 minutes you will repeat it in different ways.

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