Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Healing, Health, and Permanent Weight Loss

For those of you who are believers in Jesus Christ, not people who occasionally go to church on Sunday and really try to be good people, but those who have given their entire life to Him; mind, body and spirit I have a permanent solution for your healing and creating optimal health.

Now, with that said, this solution is available to everyone, however you must make a decision; do you give your entire life to the Lord Jesus or not. Let your yes be yes and your no be no. I love you all but you can't have a little Jesus when it's convenient and cool and forget who he is on the "good" days. You will never have the life of abundance He promises you, you can never be fully healed, and thereby reach for your unlimited potential. You just will be fooling yourself into mediocrity and apathy.

Now I am reaching out to all of you, however this is in the context of weight loss; people who are obese and clearly overweight. I had a message from the Lord over the weekend for all of you, it was as clear as I am typing now, and I am sharing His words not mine.

"Your sorrows can end, your struggles removed, your shame, humiliation, and depression broken today, in the time frame of a heartbeat if you will just give Me your sorrows, give me your struggles, give me your humiliation and depression. I will take all of your burdens by your faith in Jesus and give you grace to REVEAL your healing, to deliver you from Satan's grasp, to bring your bodies into alignment, and the wellspring of health will overtake you, and your weight will come into perfect alignment with the way I created you."

Our confession of the Word of God calls forth our healing which is already ours! It has not manifested yet in our bodies. Healing, your healing is a FACT as far as God is concerned. It belongs to you based on the Atonement. Please read Isaiah 53:5-6, 1Peter 2:24, Psalm 107:20.

The Bible say's cursed is he who hangs on the tree. Jesus was crucified for you and all of your sins, illnesses, infirmities, weaknesses, sickness, poverty, depression and so on. You must see your curse(s) on Him, on the cross so they are removed from you and give Him thanks for your healing.

Now many have said to me before that this is hard to do. Really? Being crucified was hard to do! That was the worst 12 hours anyone ever has, or ever will experience, and why? So you don't have to live with the burdens you are carrying. Please, let the world go for a moment and just quietly contemplate what Christ did for you?

People that are overweight typically have been hurt in the past very deeply by a loved one, friend, family member or spouse. Unresolved hurt tends to go deep into the heart and soul of a person as to try and hide it or bury the hurt. We tend to insulate ourselves even more by eating to much and creating a barrier that grows and keeps us further from the hurt and other people. Now this can be done with any vice, alcohol, drugs and so on. I am not trying to analyze you, just make the point that simply eating to much is not the problem, unresolved hurt or other issue is the problem. That's why simply dieting and exercise will NEVER work for you over the long term. It is patching an old wound that has never healed, or as Jesus said once it's like putting new wine in old wine skins, the new wine will burst the old skins. I want you to have a life of abundance, optimal health and beyond what you can imagine, and you can.

The scale isn't the issue, doing bi's and tri's isn't the issue, eating cardboard rice cakes is not the issue, being delivered from your pain is the only issue. That's why it is so hard to create a lifetime of healing and health. The enemy wants you to hurt, slowly and forever, he wants you to blame God for the pain or problems in your life, he wants you to focus on the scale, exercise, diet, the latest craze so you won't focus on healing through Jesus which is FOREVER.

Which brings us to now what-- and this is all that matters.
You must accept Jesus as you savior, period.
Next forgive everyone, especially those that have hurt you the worst. (Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors). You can't be forgiven until you forgive. You will spend your life in bondage just as surely as you have chains around your ankles if you don't.
You Must forgive yourself as well, give it to God and move on, no more pity party!
Live to Love and love to live, Gods way. Not the distorted perverted way society has become. Love your neighbor as yourself...Stop coveting, people, places, things...
Read the scriptures out loud daily...
If you are beginning this process, read with your spouse, family or a great friend and start with Psalm 91 and read it daily for one month, your life will change, your weight will begin to come off.

Do you still need to exercise, of course. Eat with some common sense, absolutely. Get quality sleep, yes.
But your life has a different navigator now. The Lord leads, not your pain leading anymore. When the Lord leads you will always be going in the proper direction!

Now last thing, finally right! Don't speak into existence what you don't want. Speak what you do want. Be affirmative and speak present tense, I am...... not I will. No more wishes, could haves, should haves, didn't work...no more poor me's. You are a child of the living God who is in you. (on earth as it is in Heaven) Stand tall, be strong for goodness sakes, with Christ you can do everything.

2010 should be your best year ever. Lose weight the Biblical way (there is no weight loss plan in the Bible by the way) through your lifestyle. Victory in Jesus should be your motto.

Love and Peace and abundent health to you all...

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